Eastern Yellow Wagtail at Winteringham
Sitting having a coffee on Wednesday 19th when the phone starts ringing - Mr D is telling me that Mike Pilsworth has found an eastern yellow Wagtail just eight miles down the road at Winteringham - the croissant disappears rapidly and I’m on my way. On arrival Mike quickly points if out on a field that is in the process of being ploughed. Over the next two hours it flies off a few times but always comes back calling loudly and get some good close views and a few images albeit in pretty dull light. A couple of videos includes one where it calls as it takes off at the end - volume up to get a good impression. A new bird for Lincolnshire and Mike’s second addition in three years - at this rate he will be catching me up! Video and series of images below.
Performing well this morning 21st in spite of the gale force winds
attempts at flight shots were not very successful in the wind