Eastern Yellow Wagtail Winteringham February 21st 2025
juvenile White-billed Diver Druridge C P Northumberland January 2025
Lapwings in a field of winter wheat - low winter sun and rolling chalk making for a different image
Jay foraging on the ground in the beech leaf litter a fortuitous shot while waiting for the Hawfinches to appear
Hawfinch from December 14th - only saw 2-3 in the sun and only this one perched in view for a minute or two high in. a beech - used the Canon RF 200-800 with 1.4 converter giving 1120 mm- not bad hand held given the distance
Belted Kingfisher Beaver Lake, Victoria, Vancouver Island September 2024 - we have just got back from a two week trip to Vancouver and Vancouver Island with a lot of images to sort and post in the trips section linked by clicking above - this was a nice female perched up on a lichen encrusted old tree with fall colours as a back
the light was so good yesterday morning I had to briefly join the Bearded Tit party
Avocets in cracking early morning light at Alkborough yesterday
juvenile Little Ringed Plover in flight with the Canon R62 and Canon RF 200-800 lens which I am still enjoying
juvenile Pectoral Sandpiper at Alkborough Flats at the weekend - mor eimages coming soon
juvenile Icelandic Black-tailed Godwit recently arrived from its hatching place in Iceland and typically tame probably not having seen a human being before - taken 5000 wader images of late and need to get them sorted and uploaded abut its light and bright!!
Willow Emerald damselfly on dead oak leaves a sure sign of progressing autumn
a juvenile Turnstone on the Humber shoreline at the weekend - subtle but attractive plumage lacking the panache of most juvenile waders but close up they are still beautifully marked
Cattle Egret at Alkborough Flats August 2024 - taken with the Canon RF 200 - 800 lens a fairly new aquisition that I need to update my blog with ragrd to my thoughts when I get round to it!
male Brown Hairstreak Lincolnshire August 2024 - it was 21 years since I had seen my only, very tatty, Brown Hairstreak so made the effort this year and was pleased to see at least three males on a day that the MET office typically got wrong - Canon RF 100-500 and R62
Water Rails seem to have had a very good year with young of all ages spread around the local reedbeds -
Wall Brown on thistle down - a declining and now local species but still scattered along the south Humber bank
a buck Roe Deer disturbing the Black-tailed Godwits and Redshank
waders and light has been a recent theme - with Curlews declining at such an alarming rate I have tried to focus on different aspects of their occurrence around the Humber - here a bird pre-roost having a yawn in human terms
adult Pectoral Sandpiper at Alkborough last week -
adult Pectoral Sandpiper at Alkborough last week -
I was photographing the Swifts that were screaming around the garden lin late July when I noticed this amazing cloud away to the west - waited a long time to get a Swift in the cloud but the bird was distant
Redshank take off witht he new Canon RF 200-800 lens - seems a good buy from early results
juvenile Pied wagtail chasing flying insects
a flock of Common Scoters heading west over the Humber Bridge late evening on August 1st heading for the west coast
a flock of Knot at Frampton RSPB in late July with a mix of 2cy grey birds and moulting orange adults - really must make the effort to get to Snettisham for the big roost some time
Screaming Swifts over the garden in late July - meaning to do a post on them - numbers peaked at 150 before dropping rapidly and now we have just two lingering - sad to not hear them every day over the garden for another year
Male Common Emerald Damselfly taken with the superb Canon RF 100-500 lens and 1.4x converter and the R62 - will update my odes pages with some recent stuff
Preening Avocet - waders have been difficult this year with water levels keeping birds distant from hides and heat haze playing havoc with long lenses
Puffin at Bempton July 2024 with the Canon R7 and RF 100-400 - veery light but the R7 is not a patch on the R62 - have taken an awful lot of images of late but with light mornings and nights not got round to processing many and posting - attempting a bit of catch up
male Marsh Harrier Barton Pits July 2024 - taken with the Canon RF 200-800 lens and Canon R6 mark 2 - I have had this lens for about three weeks now and working on a blog post about it as time permits - first impressions its a great lens
mating Orange-tip butterlies Anthocharis cardamines
an immature Spoonbill Platalea leucorodia another formerly rare visitor they are now expected in spring - summer at Alkborough in particular - here the black sky
Blackcap singing male Sylvia atricapilla once a rare local breeding bird now there are upwards of 60 pairs around the local pits in developing scrub - not always easy to photograph this male was nice and showy
Grey Wagtail Montacilla cinerea feeding young at a North Lincolnshire nest site - a much underrated British bird
Two Adders Vipera berus enjoying a very rare glimpse of the sunshine in late Mars
Great Grey Shrike Lanius excubitor Doddington Lincolns December 31st 2023 - incredibly I had not seen a Great Grey since 2017 so this was a tempting short trip for a bird that I saw regularly in the 70’s and 80’s seeing no less than 12 individuals around East Anglia in the 1974-75 winter ; always pretty distant but great scope views
Pallas’s Warbler Phylloscopus proregulus Bempton Cliffs RSPB, October 26th 2023 taken at ISO 6400 on the Canon R6 mark 2 with Canon EF 400 DO2 and 1.4x converter
juvenile Rough-legged Buzzard Buteo lagopus at Stone Creek on the Humber October 2023 - it was catching plenty of voles crashing to the floor with seemingly dangerous speed
Little Gulls Hydrocoloeus minutus part of a total of 250 - 300 birds blown intot he inner Humber by storm babette earlier in October - an unprecedented number for Barton
juvenile Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus sighting prey and making a rapid turn - one of three birds seen in the same area on October 22nd 2023
Goldcrest Regulus regulus feeding on insects under sycamore leaves on the East coast during a moderate arrival of birds in early October 2023
Speckled Wood butterflies Pararge aegeria sparring in flight - taken with the Canon R62 and Canon 400f4 DO2 lens with 1.4x converter
Great White Egret Ardea alba getting short shrift from a juvenile Grey Heron on the local pits this week
A Common Swift Apus apus taking an insect low over the Humber embankment this morning - soon they will have departed for another year and that will be a sad day indeed - Canon R6 mark 2 with 400 f4 DO II lens and 1.4x converter
Common Swift Apus apus about to catch a small airborne insect over the local pits on a cold late May day - taken with the Canon R6 mark 2 and Canon 400DO2 plus 1.4x converter
four-spotted Chaser Libellula quadrimaculata a flight shot of a pristine example something I have not managed before
adult summer Little Gull Hydrocoloeus minutus at Barrow Haven, North Lincolnshire, May 4th 2023 - one of our most attractive gulls - I took of 1700 images of this bird dip-feeding over the pit but have whittled it down to a lot less though it is hard to delete images of such a beautiful bird - a gallery of images is linked by clicking the image above
Tree Pipit Anthus trivialis in display flight May 3rd 2023
Hoopoe Upupa epops Alkborough Flats, May 2nd 2023 - a new bird for the site and quite unexpected
Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica Testing the auto-focus of the Canon R62 to the limit on flying Barn Swallows feeding low over a local reedbed - image detail is pretty good
male Bittern Botaurus stellaris on the local patch March 28th - identified as a male by the beautiful blue lores and also the fact that he was boomong loudly before and after this short flight - more in the Bittern gaellery
Alpine Swift Tachymarptis melba Chapel Six Marshes, Lincolnshire, March 23rd 2023 - part of an unprecedented arrival of c150 Alpine Swifts into Britain and Ireland in the preceding week these two birds stayed for a week and allowed many people superb views of a tricky to connect with species; click the image above to go to the gallery
Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus adult female - see the Marsh Harrier section for details on ageing this bird which is now at least 13 years old and back on her regular local breeding territory
Black-necked Grebe Podiceps nigricollis a rather distant local bird found this week at Barton prompted me to add a Black-necked Grebe gallery to the site - most of the images of summer plumages birds are from way back in 2009 with the Canon 1DIIN and 300 2.8 lens - click the image to go to the gallery
Woodlark Lullula arborea Lincolnshire March 2023 still a favourite bird - I found them breeding in North Lincolnshire in 1984 the first such occurrence since 1960 but the population subsequently built up to c60 pairs before declining again due to loss of habitat
adult female March Harrier March 2023 - only 20 years ago I would still be waiting for the first Marsh Harriers to return to local breeding sites but now around 70 birds winter on the Humber and some breeding pairs remain on territories all year round - a new gallery of 2023 images is linked by clicking the image above
Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus the dark headed juvenile still around Alkborough Flats and looking like a male on proportions - hopefully it will remain in the area and show what it develops into as it moults later in the summer
Black-throated Thrush Turdus atrogularis Wykeham forest, North Yorkshire, February 20th 2023 - a nice male possibly adult but very elusive during the day and disappeared after 14:00 - my 8th in the UK amazingly since the first at Coltishall, Norfolk in February 1976 - click for more images in the gallery
female Northern Goshawk Accipiter gentilis displaying in a clear blue February sky - hopefully more images to come later in the spring; more from this session in the Goshawk gallery
male Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus descending onto prey in a reedbed - taken with the new Canon R62 of which more on the website later -
Goshawk Accipiter gentilis not looked for them in January before so pleased to see this 2cy bird (just) today 4th
Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus a first calendar year male today in perfect light and for once close enough to record real details - more images in the Hen harrier gallery - click the image below
Colorado, Utah, Wyoming and Montana September 2022 - a two week family trip to the west of the USA coincided with a heat wave at either end and some rain in the middle; birding was tough and not many images obtained - above the Mormon Barn at Grand Teton National Park - click on the image to go to the gallery
Quail Coturnix coturnix went to have a listen to a couple of Quail nearby today and got very lucky when this male appeared on the field edge maybe due to the persistent heavy rain that had been falling - not often you see a Quail never mind get a photo of one
Water Rail chick Rallus aquaticus a few days old but already able to run at amazing speed over aquatic debris - you seldom get a good view of the fluffy black chicks and almost never out in the open like this one and its sibling that was nearby
Long-eared Owl Asio otus taken at 22:23 on June 19th with the Canon R6 and 400DO2 when it was getting quite dark - the recording below of food begging juveniles and conversing adult is more atmospheric
Bitterns Botaurus stellaris getting one in flight is OK getting three together is something I have never done before - shame about the white-grey sky but the action makes up for it
Sandpit Mining Bee Andrena barbilabris taken in the Lincolnshire coastal dunes May 6th 2022 with the Canon R6 and the Canon RF 100-400 lens which is proving to be brilliant for small wildlife with its close focus and 400mm focal length
Badger Meles meles had a session last week on a very dull night just before it rained and got a few shots of this individual with the Canon R6 and Canon 400DO2 lens at 10800ISO a few more in the Mammals gallery
Otter Lutra lutra taken at 20:30 earlier in the week on the Canon R6 with the 400 DO2 and 1.4x converter at ISO 12,800 something unheard of just a few years ago
male Snow Bunting Plectrophenax nivalis on the Humber bank at Barton March 30th 2022; not often you see summer plumaged birds in the UK and just five minutes from home this was a real bonus bird but the biting NE wind made it a challenge
Common Lizard Zootoca vivipara in Laughton Forest - the first I have managed to get a decent image of for several years
Black-headed Gull Chroicocephalus ridibundus harassing a pair of Mediterranean Gulls Larus melanocephalus in North Lincolnshire
drake Mandarin Aix galericulata Lincolnshire coast February 2022. Superb looking duck in beautiful late winter light. I held the Canon R6 down at water level focussing with the flip screen for better effect. Origin unknown but they are increasing rapidly in the Midlands.
Marsh Tit Poecile palustris Lincolnshire January 2022 — I am trying to improve my images of some British species in 2022 in the absence of any recent foreign travel
Drake Smew Mergus albellus and drake Goldeneye Bucephala clangula Barton Pits January 2022; beautiful light and luckily after some fieldcraft both birds swam past in line and allowed a nice image of two stunning ducks
Pink-footed Geese over Barton before sunrise this morning, January 10th 2022
Male Merlin Falco columbarius Lincolnshire coast December 16th 2021. This is such a stunning little adult with really rich underpart colours that it is clearly the same individuals that has been using this winter perch for at least three winters as I took some very poor phone-scoped images of it in November 2019. Sadly no longer the regular winter bird that they were around the Humber in the 70’s and 80’s
Dartford Warbler Sylvia undata Westleton Heath, Suffolk, November 2021 - an image from a week long trip to the Suffolk coast in late November
Jack Snipe Lymnocryptes minimus Alkborough this week one of 14 seen in a dedicated search effort. This is a typical good view of a crouching Jack Snipe that has seen you long before you see them; occasionally birds do act more normally usually from permanent hides but we had one newly arrived bird in a mossy wet hollow in the dunes at Gibraltar Point a few years back which was oblivious to our attentions and fed in its typical bobbing action while I took a multitude of images linked by clicking the image above
Black-browed Albatross Thalassarche melanophris Bempton Cliffs August 15th 2021 - a return visit for another look at this stunning bird; image gallery update coming soon
Pacific Golden Plover Pluvialis fulva Frampton Marsh July 22nd 2021. A fine looking male still mainly in breeding plumage. When the split of Lesser Golden Plover into American and Pacific was adopted the first really twitchable bird was at Tetney Lincs in July 1986; I found two at South Ferriby in 1993 and 1994 but had not seen a summer plumaged bird since 2002 at North Cotes so this was a nice re acquaintance albeit in some very high temperatures
Black-browed Albatross, Bempton, East Yorkshire, July 2021. Taking advantage of the return of Albert to the cliffs at Bempton I gambled on its appearance at Staple Newk in the afternoon sun and for once I got it right and improved on my flight images from the June trip. All are now added to the rare birds gallery and linked by clicking on the image above. A truly amazing bird so close to home and in magnificent surroundings. If it comes back will I go again? Probably!
Black-browed Albatross Thalassarche melanophris Bempton Cliffs, East Yorkshire, June 29th 2021 - Click on the image below to go to a gallery of shots of this amazing bird
Hobby Falco subbuteo hunting four-spot chasers today - the sun did not prevail for long and the hoped for feeding shorts did not materialise
drake Goldeneye Bucephala clangula taken a couple of weeks ago locally. There is only one place in the local pits where you can get low to the water to get better perspective on wildfowl and being the largest of the areas of open water birds are usually not close but an extended lye down produced a few images of this drake and his mate.
Grasshopper Warbler Locustella naevia singing male in habitat. I love to try and find a co-operative Grasshopper Warbler in spring and they are best photographed in April or early May when they are most visible. I have a lot of images of birds large in the frame but this puts the bird firmly in it’s chosen breeding habitat.
Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus in flight; taken with the new camera the Canon EOS R6 and the 400 DO and 1.4x converter. Only had this camera for less than a week and still learning my way around it but some things look good. More to come on the blog post.
This first-winter, 2cy, Red-throated Diver arrived on the local pits three days ago and in spite of a lot of boating disturbance is still present
Blackcap Sylivia atricapilla a singing male on Waters’ edge this morning; Blackcaps and Chiffchaffs continue to dominate the spring arrival chorus but hopefully some warmer weather will bring in some more warbler variety before too long
Chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita
Juvenile Long-eared Owl Asio otus taken a few years back. Last night I was out trying to get some recordings of singing adults but between cars, trials bikes and the local dog things did not go as well as planned. Below male and female in duet and female calling. The calls are very quiet and easily missed in large areas of habitat. Click the image above to go to the Long-eared Owl gallery in the Birds section.
In Britain it is not usually easy to get photos of raptors from above so this was a nice if very brief opportunity this week when this 2cy spring, ie juvenile Common Buzzard flew past below me with a reedbed backdrop mobbed by Carrion Crows.
Woodlark Lullula arborea after many years studying Woodlarks my encounters now are simply one of appreciation but the vocalisations far out-weight the subtle plumage tones - click the arrow below for a sound recording from the forest
Pintail Alkborough Flats March 2021 part of a good total of 40 -46 birds in recent days
Also started a major section on Marsh Harriers with the first sections of ageing birds getting under way. More on behaviour and breeding season studies to follow.
Just added images of the 2014 Terek Sandpiper from Covenham Reservoir, Lincolnshire, to the rare Birds galleries https://www.grahamcatley.com/rare-birds-in-britain/terek-sandpiper-covenham-reservoir-lincolnshire-may-2014
Goshawk Accipiter gentilis female in display flight
a Bittern Botaurus stellaris keeping a beady eye on me in the local pits this week
Full image set from Point Pelee and Rondeau area, Ontario, in May 2013 now up and running
Click the button below to go to that section
Beautiful Sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus enjoying the early morning sun today after a very cold night
male Reed Bunting Emberiza schoeniclus in song this morning; back on territories in the last two weeks
An influx of Lesser Redpolls Acanthis cabaret on the Waters’ Edge alders over the last few days has seen numbers build up to 20+ with this nice male showing well; the alders also have a noisy flock of 40+ Siskins Carduelis spinus with males constantly singing
another species on the move this week Jack Snipe Lymnocryptes minimus taken this morning March 7th
Below a selection of other recent images
male Stonechat Saxicola rubicola male on bullrush
Small in frame image - part of a marked passage of Stonechats through Barton in the last two weeks. The first singing Chiffchaffs now present at least two weeks earlier than they used to appear in the 1970’s.
Great White Egret Ardea alba
A dull day brightened by this former rare bird that has now become an expected annual scarce migrant in Lincolnshire. This was the first February bird for Alkborough Flats but only December now lacks a record on the site.
Second calendar year drake Smew Mergellus albellus Barton Pits January 2021
Smew were formerly fairly regular in winter on my local pits but in recent years they have become a rare bird so it was nice to find this bird in late January and although it seemingly disappeared for a few days it then reappeared and was latterly joined by a second female / redhead type. This bird appears to be a clear second calendar year drake that is starting to show tell tale signs of its black and white adult plumage. It has been a very flighty bird throughout but fortunately I was stood in a concealed location as it moved between two of its favoured feeding areas and managed a few flight shots.
Redshanks Tringa totanus roosting on ice covered pond
Just as the hard weather abated many of the ponds around Barton were still frozen solid; I found the local Redshank flock roosting on Waters’ Edge early one morning before the first visitors flushed them and took a few shots. Obviously would have been better at a lower angle but it’s a boardwalk and straying off it flushes the birds. The reflection in the ice is the key factor. A single bird below formed an alternative shot.
Redshank Tringa totanus roosting on ice covered pond
Redshank Tringa totanus roosting on ice covered pond