Red-backed Shrikes and an obliging Whinchat Donna Nook September 2024
In the late 70’s and 80’s passage Red-backed Shrikes were regular on the Lincs coast in August - September with some off passage birds staying in an area for several weeks - tey have been few and far between in recent years though so the prospect of two together at Donna Nook last week was enticing and a test for the new Canon RF200-800 lens -
The first of the two juvenile Red-backed Shrikes was a slightly greyer bird than the second and less confiding
The first bird on a rather nice lichen encrusted perch in the dunes
with some ruffled feathers
The second bird frequenting the area nearer the car park was more confiding
This perched bird saw this bee coming towards it but instead of flying after the bee it sat and waited end the bee flew close enough for it to reach up and snatch it out of the air - magic see sequence by scrolling down
almost there
got it
While waiting for the shrike to appear this very obliging Whinchat perched close by for several minutes
confiding Whinchat on sea buckthorn