Clouded Yellow butterflies Colias croceus
Another shot from Lesvos and the result of a bit of thinking outside the usual box of perched butterflies that can quite frankly be a bit boring to look at as most images are very similar. While walking about in the hills near the Kruper’s Nuthatch site I saw these two Clouded Yellows in what was presumably a courtship chase over a flower filled little grass field. They were flying fairly slowly and were aloft for a considerable time so I tested the auto-focus of the camera and fired off a few shots to see if I could get any in focus. Fortunately the camera behaved well and no less than five shots were in focus with both individuals being sharp as they were pretty close together and on the same plane which was handy. I like the backdrop of the mixed pink and green meadow which complements the butterflies and it is useful that one shows its underside and the other, almost, its upperside.
Canon 1D4 with Canon 500f4 lens and 1.4x converter
1/2500th second at f5.6 and ISO 400