Honey-buzzard Pernis apivorus
In recent years I have spent quite a bit of every summer searching for Honey-buzzards, but as anyone who has done so will attest, they are at best elusive and generally frustrating even when you think you know where they are. Thus getting any sort of images is even more frustrating and the odd success tends to result from a large slice of luck. I have a few very distant pin prick shots of birds in their butterfly display but this famous pale male up in North Yorkshire provided me with a little better shot as he displayed to another bird over the valley below the raptor view point. Getting the camera to focus on a small target against the cluttered backdrop of the forested hillsides is then the slight problem but it managed to lock onto this bird for a few seconds and the combination fo the raised wings and the forested habitat in the background, rather than a bland white sky, just makes it a bit better than the norm and again adds a sense of being there.
Canon 5D4 with Canon 400 DO2 and 1.4x converter
1/1600th second at f5.6 and 800 ISO