Caspian Terns Hydroprogne caspia Barton-on-Humber pits June 2021
On June 19th I bumped into an adult Caspian Tern on my local pits ; with no sightings for a week I then picked up a Caspian Tern in the same location on the evening of June 25th in poor light and assumed it to be the same bird but as it reappeared on the 26th images revealed that it was in fact a different individual with a Red ring on the opposite leg to the first bird and several signs of immaturity in its upperwing feathers and with flecking below the black cap on its cheeks. This seemed quite amazing as the species had never been seen on my patch before this spring but two birds were together at Southfield Reservoir 40kms West of Barton on the afternoon of the 19th. The second bird continued to visit Barton through to the 28th. Images of both birds are shown below.
Bird 1 June 19th
Bird 2 June 26th - 28th