First-winter Ross’s Gull Rodostethia rosea, Ormsary January 2007
In late January 2007 after much deliberation four of us, Kev DuRose, Dave Jenkins, Mike Weedon and myself headed to Scotland to try and photograph the long staying first-winter Ross’s Gull on the Mull of Kintyre; the weather was to say the least dire; our search for a drake Barrow’s Goldeneye in Calendar saw it swimming near the main street where a canoeist was also navigating the flooded town and it poured with rain all day; the following day the MET Office promised better weather at the Gull but needless to say they got it wrong and it again poured with rain all day but the bird was amazing and feeding at such close range the 300mm f4 lens produced sizeable images — worth the visit ? of course but the weather gods could have been kinder