Ural Owl20150510_8620.jpg

Estonia May 2015

An early May visit that avoided the biting bugs but also missed the later arriving warblers like Blyth’s Reed. Huge numbers of geese, Barnacle, Beans and White-fronts were still present throughout. One of my main targets was Citrine Wagtail and we did see a few and managed some moderate images but could have been better. The woodpeckers were also an attraction with White-backed, Grey-headed, Black, Greater and Lesser Spotted all seen. The Ural Owl was a nice bonus find but the wet grasslands and riverine habitats were superb and although the Great Snipe leck was only observed in the dark I managed some sound recordings linked below along with some song of Thrush Nightingales.




Extremadura, Monfrague and Sierra de Gredos