Poland May 19th - 26th 2016
A weeks trip concentrating on the Biebrza marshes and Bialowieza forest area. Highlights were the Aquatic Warblers, unfortunately always distant views from the boardwalk, close views of Savi’s, Marsh and River Warblers, Cranes, Montagu’s Harriers, Lesser Spotted and distant Spotted Eagles and in the forests Red-breasted Flycatchers and Collared Flycatchers in song, Three-toed, White-backed, Middle Spotted and Grey-headed Woodpeckers, European Bison, Common Rosefinches, Red-backed Shrikes, White-spotted Bluethroats, Thrush Nightingales, Barred Warblers and overall the amazing numbers of birds in the east and the volume of bird song in pristine habitats that we have lost in Britain . Many species were not easy to photograph but I was very pleased with the images of Rosefinches, Marsh, Savi’s and River Warblers.
Below are a series of recordings made on the trip and a couple of videos of a singing River Warbler and male Collared Flycatcher