In May 2017 we were staying near Campbell River on Vancouver Island and on most days I checked the waders and wildfowl along the beach in front of our cottage which proved to be fruitful in terms of summer plumaged shorebirds. On this day I picked up a Wandering Tattler Tringa incana on the outer edge of the shoreline; it was only the second bird of this species that I had seen following one in winter 1997 in California so I really wanted to try and get some images but the tide was coming in and it was quite rough and a bit dangerous walking over the slippery rocks. I took some distant images of the Tattler but then a larger wave came in and threatened to wash it off its chosen rock, that was already surrounded by the rising tide, at which point it jumped into the air and I fired off a few images. Fortunately the camera stayed locked on the bird and not the incoming wave but the combination of the bird in mid jump and the breaking wave with the air full of spray made this one of my images of the trip. Click on the link below to go to the full set of images from the May 2017 trip.
Canon 5D4 with Canon 400 DO2 and 1.4x converter
1/1600th second at f5.6 and ISO 1000