Wood Sandpipers Tringa glareola
During a superb week on Lesvos in May 2010 photo opportunities were abundant and I managed to get a lot of shots of species I had not previously encountered with a decent camera including Rufous-tailed Scrub Robin. Most evenings we ended up down at the marsh checking for herons, waders and terns etc; on this evening a beautiful sunset developed and just before we left a flock of Wood Sandpipers started calling and then flew up into the gorgeous sky heading off northbound. For once all of the birds were well separated and although there is nothing here to actually identify them the composition and the colours of the sky made it one of my more memorable images from a very successful week. A shot of migration in action. A place I have never been back to but must get there again.
Canon 1D4 with Canon 500f4 lens
1/5000th second at f4 and ISO400