Rough-legged Buzzard Buteo lagopus

A series of images of different birds mostly first-winter individuals from the UK but also adults and 2cy birds from Scandinavia, Finland and Norway;

Below First-winter Rough-legged Buzzard that wintered around South Ferriby, North Lincolnshire from November 13th 2010 to April 6th 2011. This bird endured the hardest winter for over 45 years surviving mainly on field voles but as shown in some of the images on December 8th it was watched surveying from a perch when it flew directly towards the A1077 road, a distance of 400m, when it dived into a frozen ditch and reappeared carrying a Water Rail. Seeing that bird in the reeds at that distance was truly amazing.

Below First-winter in Bonby - Worlaby Carrs, North Lincolnshire, October 16th to November 21st 2011. A most distinctive bird with certain features suggesting Long-legged Buzzard.

Below First-winter Grindale, East Yorkshire, October 27th - November 17th 2016 (the dates when I saw the bird but it stayed longer) - a classic first-winter bird living in a small area where there were clearly plenty of field voles. I was seen eating one in the air.

Adult Rough-legged Buzzards, some breeding, Varanger, Northern Norway June 2006 and June 2012


Red-footed Falcon


Rough-legged Hawk